
LEILA reviewers wrote the books and authors descriptions for the website and some of them translated samples of undertranslated books of the selection. They are Arabic literature specialists (academics, critics, writers, translators) and some of them were also part of the jury.

  • Gabriel Tatibouet-Sadki

    Gabriel Tatibouet-Sadki

    Gabriel Tatibouet-Sadki studied anthropology at the university Paris-Nanterre and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris). He learned Arabic throughout his academic curriculum and conducted extended fieldwork in Kuwait. To further his learning, he also lived in […] Read more

  • Nariman Youssef

    Nariman Youssef

    Nariman Youssef is a Cairo-born, London-based literary and semi-freelance translator. She holds a master’s degree in Translation Studies from the University of Edinburgh, manages a small translation team at the British Library, and curates translation workshops with Shadow Heroes. Literary […] Read more