The book revolves around the Abu Sukkar family from Ayn Ara (a fictional village in northern Palestine) and, following the Nakba, settles in Lebanon, in Shatila, which has evolved from a semi-rural area adjacent to Beirut to a city within the city. Each chapter corresponds to a different family member and can be read separately as an autonomous short story, but the book is coherent as a whole, in which the different perspectives intersect and sometimes contradict each other, in a manner that creates multiple facets of a single story. Through many are chronological and spatial back-and-forths, we are transported between Beirut, Ayn Ara, Paris, the Lebanese civil war, the Nakba, and the present, following the various experiences and aspirations of the characters, and how each relate to the past and especially to their Palestinian identity.
Approximate number of pages: 140 p.
Foreign rights: contact the author‘s agent