Arthur Gabriel Yak

Arthur Gabriel Yak


آرثر غابرييل ياك

Arthur Gabriel Yak was born in Sudan. He is one of the few authors from South Sudan who writes fiction in Arabic, as opposed to English. He formerly worked as a journalist for Al-Masir, an Arabic-language South Sudanese newspaper. His novels and short stories are firmly rooted in the modern history of South Sudan, depicting the multicultural background of this young country which gained its independence in 2011, but also the political rivalries between the main ethnic groups of the South: the Dinka, Shilluk, and Nuer. By writing about these controversial issues he was forced to leave his country. After a stay in Egypt, he moved to the United States.

© Facebook personal page
Country of birth: Sudan
Country of residence: USA
Contact: Pierre Astier (agent)

Selected bibliography

  • غابو يرقص الفلامنكو و التانغو, Gabo Dances Flamenco and Tango*, Rafiqi, South Sudan, 2018
  • يوم انتحار عزرائيل, The Day Azrail Committed Suicide*, Dar El Ain, Egypt, 2017
  • سوبرانو القيامة, Soprano, the Day of the Judgement*, Meskiliani, Tunisia, 2017

*Working title

English translations of short stories:

  • “It’s not Important, You’re From There”, in anthology The Book of Khartoum, Comma Press, UK, 2016
  • “Divorce”, “A Good and His People”, “Mama Regina’s Cruel Blessing”, Mo(a)t: Stories From Arabic, UEA Publishing Project, 2021, trans. by Sawad Hussain and Nariman Youssef


The Rumpus Interview with Raphael Cormack by The Rumpus in July 2016 (interview with the editor of The Book of Khartoum)



Book(s) featured on this site

Reviewed by Xavier Luffin