Tomorrow Is Another Day

Tomorrow Is Another Day
(working title)
غدا يوم جديد
(Ghadan yawm jadid)

Written by

(عبد الحميد بن هدوقة)

Published by


A passionate soliloquy on Algeria and Algerians

An old woman tells the narrator her personal story and encourages him to recall his own life. Mas‘uda came to the capital from a small village in the mountains and lived during the years of the struggle against the French occupation. Now that Algeria is an independent state, she dares to openly express her critical and often very negative thoughts about the results of revolutionary politics. She is a real storyteller, able to describe her life and her emancipation blending together dreams with reality. The novel is a great fresco of the coming of age of a nation.

Approximate number of pages: 291 p.

Foreign rights: contact publisher


Reasons to publish this book

A gripping novel, it brings to a European audience a sample of Algerian literature written in Arabic.


  • Italian


    by Jolanda Guardi

    published as

    Domani è un altro giorno in Italy in 2003 by Jouvence
  • French


    by Marcel Bois

    published as

    Je rêve d’un monde in France in 1997 by Marsa éditions


L’écriture moderniste d’un visionnaire (in French) by Djazairess, October 2016

Reviewed by Elisabetta Bartuli